Sunday, October 14, 2007

Crazy Busy

I have just been crazy busy, so I've neglected the blogosphere. No posting, no ring-surfing, no nothing. Just lots of traveling and the like. I did get to watch Grey's Anatomy while in Seattle, which gave me an odd thrill!

Here's some catch-up . . .

While away on one of my trips, I received this absolutely beautiful quilt from Anne Ida as part of the Four Seasons Quilt Swap.

It came all the way from Norway, with a chocolate bar! She said she envisioned it as a table topper, which is exactly how I'm using it.

This was the trip when I came back to town at night in the middle of a thunderstorm and found that my headlights didn't work. This was one straw too many for this camel, and I immediately (I mean next morning immediately) went looking for a new car. I bought a Camry hybrid within two days and love it. Plus, I feel super virtuous when driving! Oh, and the lights work.

Given all I've been rushing around doing, I haven't had much time for quilting. I did start and finish a baby quilt for a friend, but forgot to take a photo. It was still warm when I dropped it off with someone to deliver to the shower on my way out of town. I actually used a UFO from who-knows-when that was in bright brushed plaids and backed it with a great, bright Amy Butler print in orange, yellow, and purple.

I'm in a finish-it-up-and-get-it-out cycle, I guess, as I also just put borders on another UFO; it has been sitting around for over 5 years! I was also going to quilt it right away, to strike when the iron was still sizzling, only to realize I'm out of batting. So, I ordered a bunch, which will hopefully arrive within a week or so. The quilt came from a pattern out of an old Cabbage Rose book. I can't believe I made all those flying geese. I clearly had too much time on my hands before I had children.

It's hard to tell, but the background for the stars is a novelty print with little salt and pepper shakers. I'm going to call this, "season to taste."

One of my trips took me on a consulting visit to Kentucky. I flew into Nashville and rented a car to drive about an hour into the state, and as I approached the Tennessee/Kentucky border, I got so excited. There was a sign featuring a bunch of quilts that read, "Paducah, exit 4." Of course, as soon as I crossed the border, I realized that I was at exit 89. Oh well, I'll go back one day.

One late night in some hotel room, I was checking email and found a message saying that I've been dropped by the Quilting for Pleasure blog ring because I hadn't posted in a month. The message caught me by surprise and seemed to undercut a bit the jolly tone of the blog ring title. There was something about the email that really irked me--especially given how many folks in the ring barely post about quilting at all--so I think I'll take this as a message from the powers that be to go quietly into the Q4P night and drop the button from the sidebar without a fuss.

I start a cake decorating class in a couple of weeks. Not one of those frothy Wilton things, but a class with the top cake-maker in town. I'm really excited! So, if my work turns out presentable, I'll post some photos down the road. The good thing is that even if the cakes are messy, they'll still be super yummy!